Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All- State 2010

Information about the Washington All-State Honor Choirs can be found here. Remember that all recordings must be made in the presence of your choir teacher (me!)... Start practicing every day if you hope to be a participant; it is a fun experience and a great college resume builder! Audition/recording sign-up sheet should be coming soon...

Monday, August 17, 2009


Welcome back! This blog is an experiment by your not-so-tech-savvy choir director... so I guess that means it can only get better! It is designed to be a helpful tool for communication between you, me, parents, alumni, etc. It is my aim to save time, confusion, heartache, and really open up a dialogue about some of the music we sing. Sometimes, it might be your homework to look at this blog- to fill out paperwork (sent back only to me, no worries!), print permission slips, transfer rehearsal notes, listen to amazing versions of music we are working on, get the nuts & bolts for upcoming gigs, whatever. I intend to keep this blog informational, current, and celebratory. If you have pictures, quotes, links, etc. you wish to add, e-mail them to me and you just might see them here!

A new year means new music, new experiences, new sounds, and new friends. No two choirs are ever the same and that is part of the beauty we create. I can't wait for this year's journey!

I leave you with a quote from my mom's favorite Beatle:

I love to hear a choir. I love the humanity to see the faces of real people devoting themselves to a piece of music. I like the teamwork. It makes me feel optimistic about the human race when I see them cooperating like that.
-Paul McCartney b. 1942